Utility and Process Monitoring
Bio Solutions
  • Integrating existing EMS, BMS, WTP, ETP system and process PLCs into one comprehensive platform for data consolidation, visualization, and analytics.
  • Centralized visualization of the factory at machine and process levels - digital twin.
  • Automated data compilation for MIS reporting.
  • Alarms and notifications for critical parameters to aid the day-to-day activities.
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Key Highlights

Enture reduced the complexity of data aggregation across diverse sources both IT and Hardware systems, reducing the project cost by almost 50% as compared to traditional data integration solutions


Human Hrs saved per month

Reporting and data consolidation


Reducing the overall project cost

Using Enture OT IT connectors


Reduction in overall operational cost

Reduced maintenance costs.

Increased visibility in Factory operation and insights for energy efficiency


  • Individual systems for BMS, EMS, WTP, ETP, and process.
  • Manual data compilation for reports and analysis.
  • No centralized data visualization.
  • Latency in data sharing with cross-functional teams.
  • Integrated alerts and notifications not available.


  • Single comprehensive Enture Edge IIoT Platform for utility and process monitoring.
  • Auto-generated customized MIS reports shared with key stakeholders.
  • Customized dashboard and visualizations as per specific teams.
  • Alerts and notifications for critical process parameters.